Category: Uncategorized

Adoption of Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy

The plan to build thousands of houses in the county during the next fifteen years, called the Core Strategy, was approved by the Herefordshire Council on 16th October.  As a result the policy for Little Birch has changed.  For the past few years no new building was allowed but now there is a target to increase the number of houses by 14%.
A total of 29 ward councillors voted for the plan and 16 abstained.  Several raised concerns such as  lack of health care and hospital provision.
If you would like to find out more or get involved with our forthcoming neighbourhood plan, please contact the clerk

Agenda for the September parish council meeting.

The agenda for our September meeting is now available to view.

All parish council meetings are open and members of the community are very welcome to attend. This is your opportunity to meet your local councillors, see how the parish council operates, voice any concerns that you may have and to hear what is happening in the parish.

The September meeting is at 7:30pm on Wednesday 9th September at Little Birch village hall. We look forward to seeing you there.

Little Birch Parish Council.